Back to Basics – 30 Day Workout: Days 5 and 6

August 4, 2015 — Leave a comment

JANE – DAY 5 & 6

(assisted)           (half)                      (assisted)
Squats              Push-Ups             Sit-Ups

Day 1:  42                      23                          23

Day 2:  40                      18                          22

Day 3:  51                      21                          28

Day 4:  60                      25                          36

Day 5:  58                     27                          35

Day 6:  60                     31                           41

Yesterday was a great day, I was feeling strong and good. But, alas, today I woke up and my left foot was dropping again and my leg was weak. It’s been an awesome few days of feeling stronger and more balanced physically, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it is good again tomorrow. I didn’t use a cane/walking stick today, but I probably needed to as I was walking very slowly and my balance was off.

Happily, my weakness didn’t affect my workout because there is no movement that requires me to walk or move my legs in that motion.

I have to admit though, I really didn’t want to workout today and if it hadn’t have been for a friend asking me how I was getting on, I would have tried my hardest to find an excuse and not do it!!

On a side-note, I am finding push-ups really challenging as I find it hard to put weight on my left knee. Not because it hurts, but because it doesn’t have much feeling.

But, once again back to my mantra, “MOTION IS LOTION, BABEE”, so I’m glad I did it 🙂


                                                                         Supported air squats

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