About us

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JANE                                        TAVIS

Jane: I was diagnosed with Relapse Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in September, 2001. I was 28-years-old and had a one-year-old daughter.

When I was diagnosed I had lost the feeling in my right arm and hand, and had a shocking, tingling sensation shoot down my spine when I bent my chin to my chest. Over the last 13-years I’ve experienced fatigue; loss of color vision and partial blindness; bowel and bladder incontinence; numbness and tingling all over my skin; tightness around my chest; loss of balance; weakness and spasticity in my legs, especially the left one; drop-foot in my left foot; and cognitive/emotional problems including memory loss and depression.

I have treated my diagnosis primarily with alternative medicine in the form of traditional Tibetan medicine. Tibetan medicine treats the whole body through herbs, diet and yoga. The diet was tailored for me and changed over time according to what my body required. However, there were times I tried western medicine. I did Avonex for six months, Copaxone for three months and Aubagio for three weeks. In every instance I ended up with every listed side-effect. I have also done intravenous steroids four times over the years, specifically to help with episodes of optic neuritis which they are proven to aid, and indeed did.

The last two years have been especially hard on my body. I suffered two miscarriages, one at five months and the second almost a year later at three months. This has resulted in my walking declining due to weakness, stiffness and spasticity in my legs and a numb left hip. I can walk about 200 meters slowly and awkwardly. My left leg drags. They are better in the morning, but by the middle of the afternoon and evening it is very hard for me to walk any distance at all. The assistance of a cane does not help very much because it is stiffness and spasticity rather than lack of balance I deal with.

Up until two years ago, I was doing and teaching yoga regularly and had a good practice. It was never amazing due to my physical limitations such as fatigue, loss of balance and numbness, but was consistent and strong. However, losing the babies took a huge toll on my body and as a result my yoga practice decreased to the extent that I can barely practice at all due to a lack of stamina, weakness and spasticity.

My fiance has fallen in love with CrossFit over the last year and has experienced brilliant results for himself. He and his coach, Mike Ward have come up with a plan for me to try and get me moving and strong again. We will use this blog as our space to share with you what happens so you can follow along and hopefully see for yourself how CrossFit will transform my life.



Tavis: I have always been pretty active but over the past few years I started getting into being more health conscious, doing Bikram Yoga, running marathons and adventure races but was always looking for something that would challenge me a little more. Last year my friend Brian Pachtman, owner and coach of Ruya Crossfit, posted an article about his gym and the benefits of CrossFit which sparked my interest.

I’m A CrossFit Newby: My Thoughts So Far


As soon as I finished reading it I googled CrossFit in my area, and after trying a few gyms, I made CrossFit 38 Degrees North, run by Mike Ward, my home. Mike’s energy, passion and customer service skills were completely on point. I was excited to get in there and become part of the community. http://www.crossfit38degreesnorth.com

I have been doing CrossFit for over a year and have seen amazing benefits. When I first started going I could barely do 5 pullups. After a few months of CrossFit I was able to 20 like I did over 20-years-ago when I was in the Marine Corps. I never thought I would get into group workouts, but that changed when I started CrossFit. I was amazed at how much more I pushed myself when working out with other people who encouraged and motivated me.  CrossFit also ties in the military by honoring fallen soldiers, naming work outs after them. With my Marine background, working as a team leader in 2nd Reconnaissance Bn. this deeply appealed to me.

However, while I grew stronger and stronger, I watched my fiance, Jane, get weaker and weaker and her health decline quickly. Jane has had Multiple Sclerosis for 13 years and the past two years have been difficult due to other health complications. The result is that she has trouble walking and a host of other debilitating symptoms. A few weeks ago when I was goofing around, walking on my hands, Jane broke down in tears and said “I hate this. No one understands, I can barely get around on my own two feet and you’re walking around on your hands. It doesn’t seem, fair.”

It hit me pretty hard and I couldn’t just sit by and watch her be so upset and give up. I thought that there is no reason why she couldn’t do some of the CrossFit work outs, so I researched CrossFit and MS, and discovered there are others with MS doing CrossFit, who are experiencing great improvements. I found a blog by Lisa Nielsen Nunley and reached out to her. She was very supportive and gave me some great advice – the biggest point being not push Jane too hard, but to see if she likes it and be open if it’s not for her.


So I gently brought up the idea to Jane, I told her I had found others with MS that were doing CrossFit and seeing great results. Of course I guessed her immediate reaction might be that I am trying to change her into some kind of muscle women but I reassured her that was not my intention, that I just wanted to get her stronger physically because there is the potential for so many benefits. I showed Jane the blog from Lisa and Jane was blown away. Lisa had been diagnosed with MS around the same time Jane had been, is a few years older and from the help of CrossFit workouts, in amazing shape. Finding Lisa’s blog was the extra push I needed to convince Jane to give this a shot. Lisa inspired Jane and gave her hope.

So what now, Jane will give it a shot but I have no idea where do start? I could not, however, find any exercise plans or workouts tailored for MS, so I contacted my coach, Mike Ward and asked him if he would be interested in helping me put together a training plan for Jane. He was thrilled at the idea and together we have created a plan.

This blog is an account of Jane’s journey with CrossFit from the start. We hope that through this blog it helps others that suffer from disabilities to not give up, to take hold of your life. I was frustrated by not finding some sort of progression for her to work out with, something that showed me how to start all of this the easiest way possible.  So here you have it, a progression that we are creating from day to day, week to week, in real time. Hopefully this will give others that are in the same situation, but do not know exactly what to do some tools that might help you get things going. If you  or someone you know has any questions, needs any help, please reach out and let us know. CrossFit is an amazing community of people that love to help others and are part of it!


http://www.multiplesclerosisandcrossfit.com is an independent blog with no affiliation with CrossFit, Inc or endorsed by CrossFit, Inc or any of its subsidiaries. The views and opinions expressed in www.multiplesclerosisandcrossfit.com are not those of CrossFit, Inc or its founders. CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc. The purpose of this blog is to help others gain knowledge and inspiration from this journey. We are not a commercial business and have no intention for monetary gain or profit from the use of the word CrossFit.

14 responses to About us


    So awesome!! Tavis, I love your enthusiasm, and the dedication you’re putting in for your beautiful lady. Jane, I wish you the best and look forward to seeing you gather strength from this experience.


    Dear Jane, I so admire your piercing honesty in the face of such difficulties. You are in my daily prayers and may you both know the liberation and healing that comes with the Eternal Light and Love. XX Simon


    Hi Jane, I am a friend of Tavis from Crossfit… we never met but your story and struggle is hitting very close and I admire your courage and your willingness to keep fighting. I am looking forward to seeing your improvement…


      Thank you for your support and encouragement, Jean-Luc. I am excited to give it a try and look forward to meeting you once I get in the gym.


    What an awesome story of never saying never and the love and concern you have for Jane! We will be checking out the link! Thank you for sharing and making that difference!

    Erin Garibaldi May 20, 2014 at 10:14 pm

    I am so excited to read your blog and hear about your strength and journey. I wish I knew about all of this this morning working out with you guys at 38 degrees North and am SOOO excited for your start at crossfit Jane!! So glad to see you this morning and look forward to many workouts with you!! 🙂


      Thank you so much, Erin! You and the crew were amazing and inspiring this morning – I can’t wait to do what you guys are doing one day! And thank you for making me feel so welcome. I’m looking forward to getting in again soon and joining this awesome community 🙂


    Some days I need to read other peoples blogs. Yesterday I didn’t look for an inspirational blog but should have. Today I got to my Crossfit class and did a PB on my power clean (one of my many challenges). Your story is an inspiration to keep going. Since my last relapse, my left leg has got a few injuries (box jumps mostly). Thankyou for sharing your story, it will keep my goals grounded. I will bookmark this page 🙂


      Thanks Val! I’m glad you enjoyed the blog and thank you for bookmarking it. Congratulations on your PB on your power clean PB, that’s fantastic! Keep in touch and best wishes. Jane


    Hi Jane and Travis

    I found your blog by googling MS and crossfit and I have to say it’s truly amazing!! So I’ll try to make this a short story, I was diagnosed with MS 11 years ago( I was 24yrs old) I’ve felt pretty good for the most part some fatigue and heads aches but nothing to extreme, I did lose my eye site in my right eye for about a week then it returned. A little under 2 years ago I decided To try crossfit and I feel in love with it. I have never felt like this ever in my life. I’m stronger and faster then I have ever been in my whole life. I’m going to fight this battle and crossfit is helping my fight.
    So thank you two for doing this stay strong Jane you now have another crossfitter behind you cheering you on💪


      Thanks for commenting Zorina, we really appreciate all the support we have received and it’s reassuring to see someone else with MS doing CrossFit and getting stronger. So thanks you!!!!!

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