Archives For November 30, 1999


Day 19

Stretching routine

Warm up- 35 situps with ab mat


Handstand Pushups- 3 sets of 5

WOD “Three’s a charm”

7 min AMRAP    (7rounds +3)

3 Knees to Elbow

3 Dumbbell Push Press

3 Burpees

JANE- The Ab Mat from Rogue Fitness. What a cool invention! The thing that wasn’t working for me about doing regular sit-ups was the jarring sensation  when I went from sitting onto my back. Part of that is because I don’t have the stomach strength to gracefully lie back, so instead I bang my back onto the floor when lying back. Since being diagnosed with MS I am very cautious about banging my spine or jarring it in anyway. I have multiple lesions (MS plaques) in my spine as well as neck and brain, so I am very conscious of protecting it as much as I can. Tavis picked up on this immediately and purchased me an ab mat like the ones in his gym, 38 Degrees North.

You place the mat on the ground just above your tail bone, and it supports you as you lie back, giving your spine somewhere safe to lie. You can also use it to help push you up. Perfect for support and while building strength. I was able to do five or so on my own without needing Tavis to catch my hands. Yay!

Toes 2 Bar or Knees to Elbow – Hmmm, hopefully one day I’ll be able to call the action I do ‘Knees to Elbow’, for now, Knees to Hips is more accurate…

My reverent burpees went well 😉

handstandpu2 handstandpu1 toes2bar1 toes2bar

 TAVIS- Another good day today. Jane did most of her warmup situps unassisted, the Ab Matt made a huge difference:)

WOD– When I asked her how she thought it went she said she didn’t feel as good about it because some of the exercises were new and she wasn’t as confident doing them. The Knee’s to Elbows (or hips) and the push press are both new, I think going forward I will make sure she is only doing one exercise that might be new in a WOD so she can still maintain some level of confidence in completing it successfully. Of course soon enough she will be familiar with most of them:)