Archives For November 30, 1999

Blimey. There must have been something going on energetically as this last few days has been a roller coaster. It would seem as though I’m back with a cane again and that my flirtation with life without one was just that, a brief six day affair. A fleeting moment in time of physical strength and balance.

I kept up with my workout even though a big part of me wanted to give up the whole thing. Ultimately though, I realized that self-compassion is the key, and as often happens, I stumbled upon this beautiful reminder on one of my favorite websites: Mystic Mamma.

Here’s a summary of the last few days:

Day 8: got through the workout, albeit grumpily.

Day 9: felt sorry for myself and fatigued so gave myself a day off.

Day 10: after a rocky morning where I admit I was thinking way too much about MS, life with MS, how crap it is, etc. etc., I got pulled out of my funk by a series of fabulous events: good conversation with my honey, followed by tea with an amazing long-time friend; the matinee of TRAINWRECK – how I loved that Amy featured a character with MS; and finished with a short yoga session where I practiced mainly floor poses but also focused on Tree pose (Vrksasana) to help my balance (I did it with one hand resting against the wall to aid my balance); workout and the cherry-on-the-cake, a 10 minute relaxation with legs up the wall and an Esther and Jerry Hicks meditation.


Here are my stats:

(assisted)                  (half)                     (assisted)
Squats                   Push-Ups             Sit-Ups

Day 10:   60                 30 (ring dips)   23 (unassisted)

Day 9:                        DAY OFF….

Day 8:      60                 40                    35

Day 7:      62                 33                     41

Day 6:      60                 31                     41

Day 5:      58                 27                     35

Day 4:      60                 25                     33

Day 3:      51                 21                      28

Day 2:     40                  18                      22

Day 1:     42                  23                      23
