Archives For November 30, 1999

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day 53

Day 53

Routine Stretch

Warm up- 2 rounds 10 Knee’s to Elbow, 5 Burpees

Strength- Handstand Pushups 5-5-5


6 Rounds for time – (10 min 57 sec)

10 Airsquats (unassisted)

10 Pullups (banded)

10 situps (unassisted)

TAVIS-  Jane has really been on a roll these last few WOD’s. There’s been a complete shift in her mindset, and she’s not getting hung up on what she can and can’t do. Instead, she’s really just putting it all out there. It’s been great to watch the transition even from her initial work out on Sunday to how she tackled this morning’s workout.

Warmup- She worked her way through the warm up and didn’t even give the burpees a second thought. It was the first time she did proper burpees consecutively!!

WOD– I knew this would be a tough WOD as it ends up being 60 reps of each movement which is a lot. It is the first time she did banded pullups in an actual WOD, and although the movement is the same as jumping pullups, they use different muscles, as well as there being is a bigger range of motion. They have forced her to get her chin above the bar and today, when she got to her final set with 3 reps to go, despite not wanting to, she busted out those last 3 being chest to bar!!!

JANE- Today’s workout went well. I really like the banded pull-ups, because they take the pressure off my legs, and that helped me to enjoy the rest of the workout. It was tough at times, but I pushed through it with the help of Tavis cheering me on. Tavis pointed out how important it is to have good empowering music, so I need to get my playlist going – would love your favorite work-out suggestions!!!

My big exciting news today happened at UCSF MS Center. My first visit there was February 26, 2014, right before I started this CrossFit program. My neurologist timed me walking 25 meters as quickly as I could, I did it in 4.8 seconds. Today, I knocked almost a second off doing it in 3.9 seconds. My neurologist, the awesome Dr. Bevan was as excited as I was. Woot woot!!! Hooray for CrossFit!


Post Workout Rest!