Archives For November 30, 1999


Welcome to CrossFit 38 Degrees North

Routine Stretching

Warm up-  2 Rounds of 1 min Double Unders, 1 min Row at 75% and 1 min Dumbbell Snatch at 75%.

Strength- 15 minutes to build 1 rep max Clean and Jerk

WOD “Bare Knuckle Boxing”             (5 rounds +8)


10 Push Press 115/75

15 Box Jumps 24/20

TAVIS- I am really proud of Jane today for getting in there this morning. It was her first class at the gym and I know she was feeling a little hesitant to go but she pushed her fears aside and went for it.

Strength– Jane just tried to work on her technique using the 15lbs bar to get the cleans down. Up to now she has only done the hang clean so doing from the ground up was new. We will start doing more bar work at home to help her along with the movements.

WOD- Jane did great in the workout though I know she doesn’t think she did because she’s comparing herself to others, I think she did great, she kept moving the entire workout and it was the first time she has ever done any Push Press’s in an actual work out and not just for strength. She moved the smaller box near the wall so she would have something to hold on to if she lost her balance and cranked through the work out!!!

JANE- Today was the day of getting my feet wet and going into 38 Degrees North. With a three week business trip coming up, Tavis wanted to make sure I was familiar and comfortable enough at the gym, to go by myself. So, today was the day…

The class was led by the friendliest and nicest coach you could ask for, Krista, who was nothing but encouraging and helpful. The athletes were amazing and blew my socks off lifting gigantic weights and jumping onto mountainous boxes. Everyone was friendly and welcoming. I felt like a goofball and an absolute beginner, but, as Tavis and Krista reminded me, everyone has to start somewhere.

I modified my box jumps by placing the smallest size box by a wall, and did step-ups using the wall as balance and support. That meant Tavis could do his workout instead of helping me, and, get himself a personal record! I didn’t use weight today, but a 15lb bar for the Push Press. During the warm-ups, instead of doing double unders with the jump rope, I did sit-ups instead and got to do some rowing.

All in all, a successful first time in the box. Thanks Krista and everyone there 🙂